Sunday, 8 May 2011

Al-Qaida confirms death of Bin Laden

original story
By: Steven Edwards


On Friday the terrorist group Al-Qaeda released a video confirming that the United States did in fact kill Osama bin Laden, but in the video also stated they will continue on the path of Jihad and continue their mission. In the message there was some self doubt because they said they will take down USA or "die trying." This message couldn't have come at a better time because there are doubts that Bin Laden might not be dead and the White House was trying to find ways to prove his death.  Another shocking statement in the message was that Osama was a normal human and not a prophet to downplay his significance. Al-Qaeda hopes that all Muslim's would rise against USA and continue to say that the organization that Bin Laden built is strong enough to continue without him and was prepared to run after his death.

I personally believe that this message was a way for Al-Qaeda to reassure them self then more of a threat. They may be trying to build confidence in their own organization. There were many phrases in the message that sounded like they have self doubt and that they are actually weakened. So I believe that USA has in fact won this war because what is a army without its general, but on the other side the organization might resort to desperate attempts to hurt the USA to avenge their leaders death, so the USA should not let down its guard.


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